How to Prepare for APPSC Mains

How to Prepare for APPSC Mains

How to prepare for APPSC Mains? – Strategic Outline

The NORTHEAST PSC, one of the best APPSC coaching centre in Itanagar, has brought for its students this article through which it attempts to explain to its readers about the approach and mindset one should keep while preparing for the APPSC mains examination. 

The APPSC mains examination comprises of 4 main papers, which are discussed in detail in this article. 

English (Qualifying Exam)

The English exam which is conducted to check the general comprehension of the applicant is a qualifying natured exam carrying 300 marks. This exam only expects from the applicant to achieve the passing percentage, so that it is clear that the candidate carries some basic knowledge of the English Language. 

Paper 1 – Essay Writing 

  • This paper shall consist of 250 marks which is qualifying in nature and shall carry two essays of 125 marks each. The pattern of the questions would be in a way where a comprehension passage is given and the applicant is tested on the basis of precise writing, use of vocabulary, and crispiness and preciseness of the content offered. 
  • The examination would be in the high school level of English and aims to test the ability of the candidate to read, understand and express any given idea in his own sense of interpretation.
  • Paper 1 shall consist of 2 parts i.e. Part 1 and Part 2.  Part 1 shall carry an essay writing on the topic related to national and international events and Part 2 shall carry an essay writing on topic related to the state of Arunachal Pradesh including any social, cultural, developmental or current burning topic of the state.

Paper 2 – General Studies I 

The General studies 1 paper carrying 250 marks shall carry questions from Indian Heritage and culture and history and geography of the world and society.  For viewing  detailed syllabus the candidates can refer to the link on the website of NORTHEAST PSC, one of the best APPSC coaching center in Naharlagun.  HOW TO PREPARE FOR APPSC CCE  

Paper 3   – General Studies II

The General Studies II paper carrying 250 marks shall carry questions from Governance, Constitution, polity, social justice and international relations.  For viewing  detailed syllabus the candidates can refer to the link on the website of NORTHEAST PSC, one of the best APPSC coaching center in Itanagar.  HOW TO PREPARE FOR APPSC CCE  

Paper 4   – General Studies III

The General Studies III paper carrying 250 marks shall carry questions from Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and disaster Management.  For viewing detailed syllabus the candidates can refer to the link on the website of NORTHEAST PSC, one the best APPSC coaching center in Naharlagun.  HOW TO PREPARE FOR APPSC CCE  

Paper 5 – General Studies IV

The General Studies IV paper carrying 250 Marks shall carry questions from Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude.  For viewing detailed syllabus the candidates can refer to the link on the website of NORTHEAST PSC, one the best APPSC coaching center in Itanagar.  HOW TO PREPARE FOR APPSC CCE  

Paper 6 & 7– Optional Subject Paper 1 & Paper 2

The candidate can choose from the list of the optional subjects, each subject shall carry 250 marks and 2 subjects have to be chosen from – 

Agriculture; Animal Husbandry; Veterinary Science; Anthropology; Botany; Chemistry; Civil Engineering; Commerce and Accountancy; Economics; Electrical Engineering; Geography; Geology; History; Law; English Literature; Hindi Literature; Management; Mathematics; Mechanical Engineering; Medical Science; Philosophy; Physical; Political Science and International Relations; Psychology; Public Administration; Sociology; Statistics; Zoology. 

Strategies to keep in mind while preparing


1. Understanding the syllabus 

  • The very first tip our mentors here at NorthEast PSC, the best APPSC mains coaching centre in Naharlagun, generally give to the students before they start preparing for the mains examination is that the candidate must scroll through all the topics mentioned in the syllabus so thoroughly that a re-glance not only sparks the concept in the mind but also recreates the thought process that was acquired while studying the concept the first time.  
  • It is suggested that the candidate should be aware of the art of prioritizing. He should prioritize the vast syllabus in such a way that he pays more attention to the high weightage topics and current affairs.
  • The candidate must understand the need of a robust study plan. The mentors here at NORTHEAST PSC, best APPSC coaching centre in Itanagar have always laid stress on the importance of planning. Now we are at a stage that we have cleared our preliminary examination and we are on the second last step of the ladder. 
  • It is advised to get into the phase of micro planning and set daily realistic targets to achieve so that all the topics are thoroughly read and gone through. 
  • It is advised to the candidates that a special slot of time must be set aside to master the art of answer writing which we will be discussing hereinafter.

2. Mastering Answer Writing

  • The art of answer writing as preached by our mentors here at NORTHEAST PSC, the best APPSC coaching centre in Itanagr, is only and only a work of sheer practice. 
  • It is advised to the candidates that they must learn the art of answer writing which shall include not only the content part of the answer but also the speed and time taken for a particular answer. 
  • There are multiple sources offering APPSC mains Test series including the APPSC mains test series offered by NORTHEAST PSC . The practice of APPSC mains test series will give an extra edge to your answer writing practice. 

Here are some points that maybe remembered while learning to write answers. 

  • Always start your answer with a basic introduction and do not make a haywire of the content you know. Learn the components of answer writing including introduction, body, conclusion, flow and presentation of the content so presented through the answer. 
  • The practice of APPSC Mains Test series if done regularly shall give an insight of framing different introductions and contents to different set of questions. 
  • The introduction, body and conclusion part are may be clear to the candidate but flow and presentation is the point most candidates miss, which usually acts as standing out factor. 
  • While writing answer always learn to write an answer in a flow manner, where chronological events are stated, so that the reader does not have to apply much of his mind to understand the answer. 
  • An emphasis if laid on the daily practice of answer writing through any APPSC mains test series shall also increase the memory of the candidate towards the chronological order of different events. 
  • Always write in such a manner that the presentation of the answer looks beautiful to the eyes. 
  • While practicing answer writing the things that are must to be kept in mind is that the art of answer writing primarily involves three things, three abilities, that is recalling, processing and writing down of thoughts in a streamlined and time bound manner. 
  • While answering any questions the candidate must also learn to read the question carefully so that he knows what exactly is asked of him and in what way he should answer. 
  • It is also advised to the candidates to manage time while writing answers and go with the flow instead of forcing a writing style of a particular manner the candidates should write whatever language naturally comes to him. 
  • While attempting the paper also it is advised that the candidates should never get stuck with one question, he can temporarily leave the question and maybe get back to it if the time allows.
  • While writing answers the candidate must learn to incorporate keywords those help to identify with the topic so asked in the question. The candidate is also advised to use diagrams like flowcharts, tables or maps wherever it is possible such kind of diagrams make the answers visually appealing.

3. Test series 

  • The mentors here at NORTHEAST PSC, one of the best APPSC mains coaching center in Itanagar, have always explained to the students the essentiality of test series practice before approaching the final exam day. 
  • The practice of APPSC mains test series shall inculcate in you the time management skills which will help you to write the answers in a well-managed timeline because paying attention to time is also one of the major factors for clearing the APPSC mains examination 
  • It should be clear in the minds of the candidates that how the time should be managed to attempt all the questions in an effective way by allocating only the minimum required time to a question. 
  • A time bound practice of APPSC mains test series shall also lead you to an enhanced writing skill where your mind starts working in such a way that it formulates answers in a time bound manner including all the components of a perfect answer those are discussed above. 
  • While practicing the APPSC mains test series the candidate shall also get an insight of his strengths and weaknesses, which he can work upon for better results. It is advised to the candidates that they mandatorily practice at least 2 tests per day to enhance the skill of writing and thinking with the time boundations that will obviously be there in the exam. 

4. Optional subject 

  • The team at NORTHEAST PSC, the best APPSC mains coaching centre, has observed in the past the lack of seriousness of students towards the optional subjects, it is strictly advised that the students must also with other subjects pay keen attention towards the optional subject. 
  • It is advised to the students that they must focus on the conceptual clarity for the optional subjects and practice answer writing for it as well. 
  • Like for the other subjects the candidate must also look at the previous year papers for the optional subjects so that the trends can be analyzed and the most important topics can be prioritized while studying.

5. Take care of yourself & Relax

  • Last but not the least NORTHEAST PSC, the best coaching for Arunachal PCS also advises its readers to relax and take care of themselves. 
  • The candidates should not put too much pressure on the mind while studying or else they might face the problem of burning out but at this time which is so crucial to us we cannot take burnout as an option to not study 
  • It is advised to the candidates to follow a healthy routine where they balance study hours with adequate sleep, exercise and meditation.
  • Meditation shall help them stay focused and keeping the mind relaxed so that whenever any kind of concept is recalled the mind gets to it quickly.