The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission had notified about 140 vacancies via advertisement dated 10/10/2024 containing vacancies pertaining to 16 different posts.

SL No. Service/Post Reserved for APST Un- reserved Reserved for PWBD Total Posts
1. Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service (APCS- Entry Grade) Group-A 40 (forty) 10 (Ten) Out of the total 50(fifty) posts, 3 (three) posts are reserved for PWBD candidates in the following


02-Blindness & Low Vision

01-Deaf & Hard of Hearing

50 (fifty
2. Arunachal Pradesh Police Service (APPS- Entry Grade) Group-A 05 (five) 01 (one) NIL 06 (six)
3. Child Development Project Officer, (CDPO) Group-A 06 (six) 03 (three) Out of the total 09(nine) posts, 2(two) posts are reserved for PWBD candidates in the following category:

01-Hearing impaired.

01-Locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy

09 (nine)
4. Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies (ARCS) Group-A 02 (two) NIL NIL 02 (two
5. Assistant Director (Industry)ADI, Group-A 01 (one) 01 (one) NIL 02 (two
6. District Information & Public Relation officer (DIPRO) Group-A 03 (three) NIL NIL 03 (three)
7. Labour Officer (LO) Group-B-Gazetted 01 (one) NIL NIL 01 (one)
8. District Land Revenue & Settlement Officer (DLRSO) Group-B- Gazette 01 (one) NIL NIL 01 (one)
9. District Disaster Management Officer (DDMO) Group-B- Gazetted 01 (one) NIL NIL 01 (one)
10. District Art & Culture Officer (DACO) Group-B-Gazetted 05 (five) 01 (one) NIL 06 (six)
11. Station Superintendent (SS) Group-B-Gazetted 02 (two) NIL NIL 02 (two
12. Assistant Protocol Officer (APO) Group- B- Gazetted 01 (one 01 (one) NIL 02(two)
13. Assistant Station. Superintendent (ASS) Group-B-Non- Gazetted 01 (one) NIL NIL 01 (one)
14. Assistant Section Officer (ASO) Group- B-Non-Gazetted 37 (thirty seven) 10(ten) Out of the total 47(fourty seven) posts, 3 (three) posts are reserved for PWBD candidates in the following


01-Low Vision

01-Hearing impairment

01-Locomotor disability.

47 (forty seven)
15. Assistant Art & Culture Officer (AACO) Group-B-NonGazetted 04(four) 02 (two NIL 06 (six)
16. Inspector (Tax & Excise) Group-B-Non-


01 (one) NIL NIL 01 (one)
  Total 140


The interested applicants are directed to fill online applications for the requisite posts of there will through the official site by first registering themselves once on the site the One Time Registration after which the login ID and password shall log them in and the application can be submitted. It is advised to submit the application only once, however if more than one application is submitted the one with the highest Registration ID will be accepted. The portal shall remain active from 5PM, October 15,2024 till 5PM, November 10,2024.


The APPSC preliminary exam is supposed to be held on December 15,2024.


Pattern of the Exam: The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Combined Competitive Examination (APPSCCE) -2024, shall comprise of

  • Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for the Main Examination

The Preliminary Examination will consist of two objective types as follows: –

Paper Subject Total Marks Time Syllabus
Paper-1 General Studies 200 2 hours ·       Current events of national and international importance.

·       History of India and: Indian National Movement.

·       Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.

·       Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.

·       Economic and Social Development, Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.

·       General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change that do not require subject specialization.

·       General Science.



Paper -2


Aptitude Test 200 2 hours ·       Interpersonal skills including communication skills;

·       Logical reasoning and analytical ability:

·       Decision making and problem solving:

·       General mental ability:

·       Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data

·       interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. – Class X level)




The candidates should note that there will be penalty negative marking of 1/3 for wrong answer marked by a candidate in the Objective Type question papers.



  • The Main Examination (Written and Interview) for selection of candidates for various Services and Posts in the Government of Arunachal Pradesh.


Who can appear in the exam?

  • A graduate of any stream; holding a Graduate Degree from any of the University Grants Commission recognized Universities or other educational institution declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of the University Grants commission Act, 1956 or possess such qualification as may be declared equivalent by the Government.


  • Applicants who have appeared or who intend to appear for such a qualifying examination shall also be eligible provided the candidate submits proof of such qualification on the day of interview.



  • The applicant should be of not less than 21years and not more than 35 years as on the date of receipt of application i.e. on 10/11/2024.


  • The applicant can appear in the exam by paying a nominal fee of Rupees 150 (Rupees one Hundred Fifty) for APST candidates and Rupees 200 (Rupees two hundred for other candidates through online mode only. Whereas the PWD candidates are exempted from any fees.  The relaxed age limits pertaining to different sections of the society including the candidates belonging to APST can be checked on .


The exam shall take place in the following centres catering to the different people residing in the area namely,



S.No Centre


2 Naharlagun
3 Bomdila
4 Ziro
5 Daporijo
6 Seppa
7 Pasighat
8 Yngkiong
9 Tezu
10 Aalo
11 Basar
12 Khonsa
13 Changlang
14 Jairampur
15 Roing
16 Doimukh
17 Yachuli
19 Tawang
20 Likhabali



The NORTHEAST PSC encourages the readers and applicants to apply to the requisite posts as per there wish and within the prescribed timeline. Wishing the readers a continued success for APPSC PRELIMS.


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