How to Make Short Notes for APPSC Prelims?

How to Make Short Notes for APPSC Prelims

How to Make Short Notes for APPSC Prelims?

As crucial as it is to understand different topics pertaining to different subjects while preparing for APPSC, complementary to the understanding, is the process of making notes.

The NORTHEAST PSC, one of the best APPSC coaching in Arunachal, gives its students an edge, where they are taught not only the hefty syllabus but tips and tricks to remember it.

This article shall put light on the cumbersome process made simple by our adept teachers here at NORTHEAST PSC, an institution committed to carving out the best in the students offering multiple crash courses for APPSC in Itanagar, the heart of Arunachal. 

The first step towards the APPSC exam is gathering strength and courage which multiplies several folds when one understands the syllabus thoroughly, which has been made much less complex by our well-versed teachers with their vast experience in bestowing knowledge through NORTHEAST PSC, an APPSC coaching center in Naharlagun.


✔️ Once the student has decided to appear for the APPSC exam, he should not be scared to dive deep into the topics to gain in-depth knowledge of the same. Now gaining knowledge about different topics through different sources can be fun and interesting but the part which bothers most of the students is the absorption and retention of that knowledge. 


The cycle here at NORTHEAST PSC coaching institute in Naharlagun, Itanagar runs on a similar pattern where after providing in-depth knowledge of different topics, our faculties are inclined towards the absorption and retention of knowledge by the students. 


✔️ This has to be done by making short notes either by the students or by the institute which one may join to prepare for the APPSC exam, where a vast topic is concretized with the minimum number of words on a piece of paper focusing on the key concepts, facts, and points. 

✔️ It is always advised to the students while preparing notes to use the simplest language and avoid any over-explanation of the topic, alongside writing the notes with headings and bullet points so that a glance before the exam can remind the core concepts. The art of writing notes has been successfully cracked down by the faculties here at NORTHEAST PSC, Itanagar where our notes are made and it is advisable to make such notes that are short, to the point, and pegged down to such an extent that the core is understood in a single glance. 


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Topics can easily be memorized when we trick our memory to see diagrams and flowcharts of different concepts leading to an image formation in the brain which leads to a quick remembrance of any given topic especially for subjects like polity, geography, economy, etc. Our faculties here at the coaching center in Naharlagun are sincerely committed to this approach for the betterment of the students.


✔️ It is recommended to use Acronyms, mnemonics, and abbreviations while making notes, which is another major art mastered by the faculties of the center at Naharlagun, Itanagar Arunachal Pradesh, where for the purpose of a clear reminder to the brain, mnemonics are made used by the students so that as soon as the mnemonics hit, the brain is remembered of the so-called huge topic which appeared to be cumbrous at a preliminary glance but now the mnemonics trick just made it easier to retain the topic in the memory of the student. 


✔️ And this goes unsaid that the categorization of notes with respect to the subjects should always be taken care of. It is advisable to maintain different sets of papers for each subject and label/flag them necessarily to avoid mixing the notes at the last moment. It has always been taken care of here at the Institution in Itanagar that the naive students do not suffer at the hands of time, whilst misplacing their notes, by sharing them with them through offline and online mediums. It is advisable to always keep safe a digital as well as a hard copy of the notes so that they can be referred to and retained as and when required 


✔️ Another important thing to remember while making notes is the topics. It has been observed that the student tends to get lost in the vastness of the syllabus and miss the important topics whose knowledge can only be gained by going through the previous year’s papers and the sample papers. A thorough analysis is needed to ascertain the repeated topics over the years to crack through the exam.  Now, as a leading institution of knowledge, providing APPSC coaching in Itanagar, our teachers are unmistakably able to carve out the key areas or the relevant topics based on their past exams analysis. This is a difficult step for a student alone because of his limited knowledge, perspective cognition, and exposure. 


But this does not mean that a student can not do it.  Our teachers here at the coaching institute in Naharlagun have always emphasized the importance of hard work.  They thoroughly believe in the quote by Robert Collier, which says that Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. It is recommended to the students preparing for APPSC that they go through the previous year’s question papers so that they can get hold of the topics that are repeated and have a higher chance of appearing in the exam in the form of questions. 

 Now, this is not hidden that the syllabus of APPSC is huge.  The subjects have an outlined syllabus for the exam hence it is comparatively easier to move along that outline and gain in-depth knowledge of different subject matter but current affairs are just like a vast ocean having no end and no beginning and no guarantee as to what may or may not be asked.

So the trick is to stay fully updated having a fixed time of the day devoted to just staying updated through perhaps watching the news, reading the newspaper, going through current affairs magazines, etc. Now only watching the news or a glance at the newspaper would not suffice, they will have to be made in short pointers and stored in such a way that a glance at a later stage would spark the memory and help the student remember the exact event. 

It is advised to the students to read the newspaper daily for at least half an hour, and then spend another half an hour making short pointers of whatever he has gathered through the newspaper. And as previously mentioned, the pointers or the notes should be in such a crux-laying manner that a single glance would suffice. 

But the chain does not stop here, other peddle of the cycle which is as important as gathering information through different sources is the constant upgradation of that information. Students of NORTHEAST PSC, a fully committed APPSC coaching institute in Itanagar, feel much more relaxed as far as the Current affairs are concerned because the constant upgradation of the matter takes place every ten days, where a whole wing is dedicated to maintaining updated events and affairs of the world. 

The review and the upgradation of the gathered material is mandatory and advisable to a student preparing for APPSC because a mere lack of upgradation may render all efforts in vain as it is said “to keep up with change, you need to embrace the new and learn from the old.” 

We hope that the article has shed light on how to go about making short notes while preparing for APPSC and the major concerns relating to it. We, here at NORTHEAST PSC are always willing and happy to help our students and readers, wishing them continued Success.